Fun things to do at Christmas!

Mom in the pool

Congratulations to Zara, you are the winner of the Pam Rosenthal duo! Thanks for leaving your email, and I’ll be contacting you for your snail mail address.

This week I’ve got a Sci-Fi adventure romance duo, Crimson Rogue by Liz Maverick and The Scarlet Empress by Susan Grant. Two great writers! So, post a comment, (you must type in your email address) and I’ll enter you in the drawing. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. I’ll announce the winner next week! Good luck!

So, it’s my mom’s birthday today. Yesterday my sister and I took her to a tearoom for luncheon. This place is way back in the boonies of the Santa Cruz Mountains and it’s actually part of a nursery. We had to drive two miles down this little winding gravel road to get there. When we arrived, they’d decorated this lovely old farmhouse, and the tearoom was toasty warm. We toodled around the Christmas shop, then we all filed in for the luncheon. We had some delicious tea brew, the name of which I can’t remember, then a freshly baked roll, creamed vegetable soup, chicken Givenche (okay, don’t ask me to spell that) with Madera sauce, garlic mashed potatoes topped with yams. I was totally full then, but dessert was this to-die-for chocolate decadence. Wow. I brought half of it home for my hubby to eat. My mom was tickled pink (as the British say). She can’t wait to call her sisters in England and Norway to tell them every little detail. Then, to top it off, she made English pancakes for dinner when we got home! I know, it’s her birthday, but no one makes pancakes like my mom, not even me! The photo is from our trip to Newport this summer. I’ll download yesterday’s picture sometime and let you see one of those, too! ‘Cause if Mom knew I was posting the photo of her in a bathing suit, she’d disown me. But doesn’t she look cute! Like a little gnome. She’s only about 4’10”.

So what are some of the fun things you’ve found to do at Christmastime? My sister thought up this one, so you know I have to top her for Mom’s birthday next year! I need ideas!

My Unlaced Pals and I are doing some blogs this week, too, with giveaways. So be sure and stop by for chances to win autographed copies of Unlaced.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, I’ll be with my wonderful agent Lucienne Diver and on Wednesday we’ll be at Bam’s Blog.

And today, Monday, check us out on Book Binge where we’re doing excerpts and another giveaway!

Jasmine, Jennifer and JB! Newsletter:


  1. Moms know EVERYTHING, Jennifer! She WILL find out about the bathing suit picture that’s making its way around the internet. [grin] Seriously though, she’s absolutely beautiful! You talk about her so much I was wondering what she looked like…and she’s very much like I pictured her. I’ll post later about the christmas thing.

  2. That sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate a birthday. The things my family does around this time of year are just the basic driving around to look at all the Christmas lights and going to the Parade of Lights downtown the first weekend of the month.

  3. hehe, Rita, you’re probably right. She’ll find out. Mothers know everything! But truthfully, i think it’s a great photo of her. She’s smiling, laughing, and having a great time!

    Thank you, Karin, it was such fun. We’re already planning something along the same lines for Mother’s Day, but I think we’ll make ourselves. We’re taking her to Sedona, and we’ll be the for Mummy’s Day. Thanks for your address!

  4. I’m embarrassed to say that there aren’t any special activities that we do each year for the holidays…other than simply surviving them! [grin] This should be a fun one though with the new grandbaby.

  5. The crowds are terrible, Estella. I know they say the economy is really bad and people aren’t spending, but I tell ya, the mall exit off the freeway is backed up for a mile! You’re smart to stay home.

    And yes, Rita, it’s Alli’s first Christmas! No wait, it’s her second Christmas. No, wait, it’s her first. jeez, senility is getting to me.

  6. The tearoom sounds lovely! And that is a very cute photo of Mom!We keep trying to plan a Christmas cruise but the family is too large now and the younger ones with all the little children can’t really afford it. But my DH and I are taking our motor home to South FL to meet up with my sister and most of her 6 kids and my Dad and stepmom. Should be nice visit! Two years everyone else drove up to FL Panhandle to our house and that was great fun – especially since DH loves to cook!My e-mail for contest entry is: —————-. THANKS for the contests!

  7. Hi Jas, It’s sounds like a wonderful time you all had. Your Mom looks so sweet. I miss my Mom so much. There are some things my Mom made that not I, my Sister, or anyone can make as good as she did.
    We always like to travel around town and look at all the beautiful lights.

  8. It sounds like you had a nice time with your mom. A tearoom sounds interesting. I never been to one before. The things that my family and I do for Christmas is kind of like you other bloggers. We love to drive around and look at all the christmas decorations. I’m happy to see more colored lights this year and not just white. Don’t get me wrong, white is very classy looking, but there is just something about the colored lights that I like better. I hope you and your family have a nice Christmas.

  9. A Christmas cruise sounds really fun, Martha! But you’re right, it can get very expensive. Just being together is fun, though. Glad you’re taking the motorhome and meeting up with your sister. When my mom has a big birthday, like 75, 80, the whole family meets up somewhere fun. When she turned 80, we took her to Hiltonhead. It was great fun to spend Christmas with everyone!

    Oh Dena, I know how you must miss your mom. My mom makes bakewell tarts. This year at thanksgiving, when she went to my brother’s, she and my niece made 80 tarts. So now my niece carries forth the recipe.

    And yes, Rhonda, both you and Dena have it, looking at the lights. we have “candy cane lane” where everyone decorates. More colored lights this year, too! the white icicle craze must be over.

    Okay, everyone, happy christmas to you all. Thanks for sharing your stories! And I’m off to choose the winner, so good luck!

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