Laced With Desire

Congratulations, Kirsten! You’ve won Claire Delacroix’s The Rose Red Bride! I’ll be contacting you for your snail mail address.
This blog is a little bit different. Laced With Desire, our next corset anthology, is out tomorrow. Whoohoo! My wonderful coauthors and I are doing a cross blog. And it’s all about clothing. We’ve each answered four questions, and you’ll see the fun and intriguing answers to one of those questions on each blog. We’re all offering some wonderful prizes. From me, leave a comment, and I’ll enter you for a chance to win the first book in my Courtesan Tales, Yours For The Night . As always, to be eligible for the drawing, you must type in your email address. I’ll also add you to my newsletter for updates on all the fun stuff and releases, too. We’ll be announcing the winners on all our blogs on Wednesday, Feb 3rd at 9 a.m. EST! So take a trip through each of our blogs and add those comments. To be entered, you must leave your email so that I can contact you!
So, on to our questions. They’re all about clothing, sexy clothing, confidence builders, the stuff we relax in, and what our shopping weaknesses are. Here’s what I asked the girls!
What’s your most comfortable outfit, together with what you enjoy most to relax?
First up, we’ve got Jaci! My most comfortable outfit has to be Yoga pants or capri pants, depending on the season, and a tank top or hoodie. In the summer I live in flip flops nonstop. In the winter my Ed Hardy canvas shoes, unless the weather is really bad, then it’s boots when I go out. I really prefer soft, comfortable clothing to relax in. There’s something about the feel of soft cotton next to my skin (I know, I sound like a cotton commercial don’t I?) that relaxes me. There’s nothing like wearing comfortable clothes, propping my feet up in my most comfortable chair, and reading a great book. Best relaxation ever.
In alphabetical order, Jasmine’s up next! My favorite relaxing outfit consists of my spandex workout pants with a fleece sweatshirt and bootie slippers! So nice to curl up in front of the fire with a great book. Which sounds like the perfect way to relax on a cold and rainy evening. And let me tell you, we’ve got a lot of rain right now here in the mountains.
Here’s what Joey has to say! I have an empire waist knit cotton dress. It’s celery green, with little pictures related to gardening on it (spades, wheelbarrows, seedpackets, flowers, etc). The pattern has a mixture of lavenders, browns, etc in the print. It’s entirely non-fashionable, something a frumpy heroine with heavy glasses in the most clichéd romance would wear, and I wear it with faded white canvas sneakers and ankle socks and feel entirely uninhibited. It’s one of those dresses that barely touches you anywhere (so you can eat whatever you want!).

My tie for favorite most comfortable outfit is depicted to the left. My mother has always implied I have a bag lady’s fashion sense (okay, she’s a mother, there’s no “implying” about it), but my favorite outfits are long skirts like this paired with T-shirts and ugly canvas sneakers that may or may not match anything I’m wearing. Color coordination is overrated (wink). I prefer to put fleece zipper coats over it, like the pink varsity Eeyore one I’m wearing here. To be honest, as I mentioned on Jaci’s blog post , this is somewhat the fashion sense I see Chloe possessing, of my upcoming Branded Sanctuary, only she’s probably a bit better at making it look appealing! I also have a ratty brown sweater that’s probably 20 years old. I prefer to wear it when I’m writing. My mother keeps trying to burn it when she visits, and I tell her that one day it may sell at auction for thousands of dollars (cough, cough). As far as what I enjoy doing the most to relax while I wear such things – that would be watching programs I’ve DVR’ed, like ER reruns, Burn Notice or Sons of Anarchy, or re-watching a favorite movie (this week it’s been The 13th Warrior with Antonio Banderas, and PS I Love You with Gerard Butler). Sometimes, when I can get in the right frame of mind (slow down the rpms on my OCD brain) I like sitting on the porch on a sunny day and doing absolutely nothing but listening to the wind move through the pines and the birds chirping. I might nap on the porch swing, my foot braced on the wall so I can do a slow rock. I do nothing so rarely that it’s always almost a transformative spiritual experience (laughter). When I can find a great book that really pulls me in, I add that to the porch experience, along with some chocolate and a Cherry Coke Zero, and have a perfect day – in my green and lavender gardening dress and Eeyore zipper jacket.
Last but never least, we’ve got Denise! The first thing I do when I get home from the Evil Day Job is take off my bra. Which I’m guessing is waaay TMI, so I’ll move right along. *grin* Where I live (in Australia) the climate is subtropical, so winters are mild and summers hot and humid. For the sweltering days I have a couple of sarongs to laze around in. In winter I’d be lost without my beloved ugh boots. I’ve had to mend the current pair with gaffer tape (fixes anything), but we’re soldiering on together. In general, I like track (sweat) pants and loose fleecy tops or shorts and T-shirts. If I want to look like a spiffy slob – as opposed to a slobby slob – I have a couple of pairs of lounging pyjamas. Yes, really.
To see our other questions and answers, and the wonderful prizes we’re offering, take a walk on the wild side with Jaci’s Blog, Joey’s Blog, and Denise’s Blog. You can read excerpts of our stories on each of our sites, LaPetitieMortbyJasmine, NoStringsAttachedbyJaci HonorBoundbyJoey, and Rhio’sDancerbyDenise
Just a little promo. Feb 2, I’ll be blogging on ToteBagsNBlogs. Leave a comment for a chance to win the first corset anthology, Unlaced. And the prizes just keep coming! On Fri, Feb 5th, my coauthors and I will be blogging on Don’t miss another opportunity to win Unlaced! And don’t miss my upcoming releases, Take Your Pleasure from April 13th, and HersForTheEvening coming May 4!
Jasmine, Jennifer and JB!
Welcome, Everyone!
Thanks for having this kick butt party! You all had some great answers, I am loving this up!
My comfy clothes consist of… yoga pants or sweat pants (depending the season) and a tee shirt. As soon as I knock off of work, I had straight to my room to change. I could care less who is coming over… that is what you will catch me in! Oh… and my LSU slippers! =)
Thanks for an amazing contest!
I have to say my most comfortable outfit would be my flouncy cotton knee-length skirt and t-shirt. It has an elastic waist band and allows me comfort and look feminine.
I agree with Cecile. This is one kick-butt party!! Thanks for the awesome giveaways. Really enjoyed the excerpts to the upcoming anthology. It rocks!!
I am actually pretty boring lol. My most comfortable outfit is what I call my housecoat. It is this dress that is about 3 sizes too big. But it has these HUGE pockets in them. I carry my cellphone in one pocket and my ebook reader in the other. Since I do book reviews, it makes it sooo much easier to have easy access. LOL. Trust me it isn't a kinky easy access either. Just easy access for all my electronic goodies! LMAO
My most comfortable outfit is flannel pants, long sleeve t-shirt and fluffy slippers.
my comfy clothes..has to be my flannel pj bottoms,Whenever I am at home I'm wearing them. and a old sweatshirt I've had forever,it has seen better days.But it is so comfy I wont give it up.
My most comfortable outfit is a pair of athletic bottoms with a T-shirt and sneakers.That's what I hang out in if I'm not in my pajamas and slippers/socks.
thanks for the giveaway! my favorite comfy clothes would have to be yoga pants and a big oversized tshirt.
I love wearing my blue sweats and a plain T-shirt while sitting in bed and reading.
My favorite comfy clothes are a pair of drawstring sweatpants and a long sleeve T-shirt.
Hi! My most comfortable outfit consist of a loose t-shirt with a comfortable pair of shorts. I live in the south so we deal with humidity a good part of the year.
Thanks all for stopping by and I'm glad you're enjoying the party!
Cecile, I love the added touch of the LSU slippers!
Armenia, your comfortable outfit sounds great. And I bet it's a lot like Joey's! Thanks for reading the excerpts and we're glad you think they rock!
Flannel and fluffy slippers sound so warm and comfy, Crystal!
Danielle, your housedress with the big pockets sounds great! I'm always running for my cell phone!
Elaine, more flannel like Crystal. Sounds very comfy.
Leni, Chelley, Jeannette, and Devon, I think we're all on the same wavelength here! Comfy over-sized sweat pant type stuff.
And Maishaw, right now I wish I was in the south with you to enjoy that warm weather where you can wear shorts!
Most comfortable outfit? I love summer for that–a tank top and a flow-y skirt. Comfortable without being too frumpy (which is often my other default ;))
Congrats on Laced With Desire, Jasmine!!
Sad to say, at this time I rarely wear anything other than jeans and tank tops, with hoodies for warmth as needed. For bed, it's just oversize t-shirts and boxers. Except for colors &/or prints there's not much variety in my wardrobe. As a single/widowed mom, raising two daughters, they got most of the clothing budget.
Thanks for having this release party- I'm so excited for Laced with Desire – I preordered it a few weeks ago and cannot WAIT to get my little hands on it. 😀
Also, no need to include me in this drawing, because I also bought Yours for the Night. Can't wait for Hers For the Evening – and actually just bought and am reading Fortune Hunter right now. 😀 [ok fangirl moment over!]
As for my most comfy outfit… heh. I still dress like a high schooler >.< (I'm not *that* old, so it's not creepy, ok?) Anyway, I get mistaken for one :
But at home? I wear anything old and comfy. When my sister is around she calls me a bag lady. I love pajama pants, summer or winter. Otherwise, a comfy large sweatshirt/hoodie, or a tank top depending on weather.
And preferably a book, and a [frozen] fruit smoothie – with just a splash of rum 🙂
My comfiest clothes are sweat pants and a tee shirt.The new anthology sounds great!
My most comfy outfit are stretch pants, heavy socks and one of my hubbies tshirts – why do they feel so much bette when they are someone elses? Preferably male? Pair that with a snuggle with my pets and I am in heaven.
I love cotton/knit drawstring bottoms, and a hooded top with a heavy-knit hood that feels like a scarf and hat all in one wrapped around me – cozy! Just what I need to laze and lounge reading or watching some tv.
I'm in my comfy outfit right now! It's a pair of stretched out yoga pants and a really loose, really old, really SOFT t-shirt that says "if you don't tell your cat about catnip, who will?"
My second fave is my comfy Cookie Monster PJ's!
My most comfortable item for around the house if I'm not going out and no one is coming over would be a pair of pajama pants with a long sleeve tshirt during the winter and during the summer I have capri pajama pants and tank tops to wear. I'f I'm going out to shop or whatever and not planning on running into other people I wear yoga pants with either a long or short sleeve tshirt
My most comfy outfit is anything that isn't tight or contricting. Love pants with drawsting waists and BIG pockets, but sweatpants are too heavy, so have to look for lighter material. Seem to be always too warm for my own good. L
What a fun party! I have to chime in with my most comfy outfit. I have several but my most favorite, color wise, fit wise, and overall ease is my black and pink, pink panther nightgown with my long plush robe with my ankle high plush lined booties. I could wear this outfit all day! Actually I have sometimes when I am home and don't have to go anywhere. It is great for cleaning the house in and for flying up and down the stairs.
My comfy outfit is my Hello Kitty flannel pjs. Not sexy, but definitely comfy.
My favorite comfy clothes outfit would have to be my pajama bottoms and a large T-Shirt. I like to sit around on Sundays wearin' my comfy outfit…and more often than not I do! 🙂
First off….my up most comfortable thing to wear is my robe. I have a big fluffy one that I wear around the house a lot. When wearing just my robe isn't appropriate my next most comfortable thing is a cami and a nice worn pair of Lucky jeans. Can't beat that. If I am sitting in front of the fireplace reading (like last night) I have a pair cotton knee length pj bottoms that I wear with above the knee socks and of course my cami.
Hi Jasmine!
thanks for this great post – I love the answers…
and my comfy clothes are quite the same… after coming home I change into yoga pants and a longsleeve and most of the time I'm barefoot on the way 😉
have a great day and CONGRATS on the release!
Hey, Jasmine – this is SANDY's comment – she was having some trouble posting to your blog and wanted to contribute her thoughts (smile). Dang it, Sweet VC, I should have thought of husband's shirts as well – they ARE comfy. And limecello, wear the baglady name with pride – I do! ;> Here's Sandy's comment…
Hi Jasmine,
My most comfortable outfit is sweat and a t-shirt in the fall and winter and floor length summer dresses in the spring and summer. Sexy undies included for both. LOL
I have three things that I enjoy the most to relax. No matter how hard I try I cannot replace them.
I love watching most genre of movies (not a fan of horror…it is not relaxing for me). I love the feeling of getting sucked into a good movie, feeling the emotions the characters are conveying (when done right). Movie magic…I love it!
My next favorite is reading (of course). This is where my imagination is free to go WILD. I have to read everyday. My fav place to relax and read is out in the sun (with sunblock) pool side or on the beach. If that is not a option my couch or ride how from work will do.
My third fav, is spending time with family and good friends. There is always lots of laughs (at times at someones expense) and togetherness. You can be yourself.
I must apologize. I went to visit my mother overnight last night because my brother is visiting from Atlanta. I meant to check the blog, but I have to do it in the retirement home's library. and when I went up there, all the computer's were taken! But I'm back and reading through! Thanks everyone for stopping by. I have read everything, and thanks so much for sharing all your relaxing activities and the clothes you do that in! I'm so happy you're all enjoying the fun set of blogs and visiting with us.
And Joey, thanks for putting in Sandy's comment. I'm sorry she was having trouble, but I've got it now!
Thanks for all the fun, ladies!
I am the comfy queen. I work from home, and also have 4 kids so comfort is key for me. I think my husband wonders if I ever get out of my jammies ever. And my relaxing time is every night I get into the tub and read. Kids are in bed, husband is fed and watching TV, mom gets to relax!
Oh Amy, you're like me! I enjoy the relaxation in the tub with a good read, too!
Congrats on your release!!!I love my sweat pants and t-shirt with fleece sweatshirt (it's cold here) and huge warm slippersThanks for the contest!
It's the warm slippers that always do it for me, Franalokas! My feet have to be warm and comfy! Thanks for stopping by.
Here's the list of winners from all our blogs!
Jasmine's Yours for the Night, the winner is Michele L.
Jaci's ARC of Bound, Branded and Brazen, the winner is Limecello
Joey's offering of Laced with Desire is Armenia
Denise's offering of Unlaced is Beth C.
Congratulations, everyone! Michele. L. I'll be contacting you for your snailmail.
Thanks to all for stopping by the blog!
Hooray, Michele! And thanks again, Jasmine! Glad you got to spend time with family!!
My most confortable outfit would be sweat pants and t-shirt and a pear of house shoes, which I am wearing right now. Curl up with a good book and you have it made!
Thank you, Fedora!
I agree, Virginia, a good book does it! I'm sorry, I'm afraid I'd already announced the winner by the time you posted.
Hi Jas, My computer broke,ughhh… So my daughter brought over her laptop for me to check my email. Man was I missing my email and then when I seen how many I had I wasn't so missing it,lol. I am glad to stop by and see your new release. Great post with all the ladies. Hope everyone has a very wonderful love month, Dena
So sorry about that computer, Dena! I know what you mean about the emails, though. When I go on vacation without computer access, OH MY GOD! I come back to about 1000 emails! I dread going away. But at least you have your computer back!