Is it really possible to please your master?

cover of Pleasing Mr. Sutton

A note to my friends in the North Bay. I was awoken in what felt like the middle of the night by the bed shaking slightly. I thought it was a minor localized tremor. Then I woke to reports of a 6.0 earthquake in Napa. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you and to everyone affected by the quake.

I hope everyone enjoyed the introduction to Monica from Pleasing Mr. Sutton on my last blog. Thanks again to Pamela Fryer for tagging me in the Character Blog Hop! Don’t forget, up today on the Blog Hop are Kate Curran at, Jean Oram at, and Jami Davenport at I can’t wait to read about their characters!

cover of Pleasing Mr. Sutton

Thanks to Rae Monet for this fabulous cover. I love, love, love it! And for your reading pleasure, Pleasing Mr. Sutton is live! Book 5 in the West Coast series features Rance Sutton and Monica Dawson. You met them both in The Other Man, West Coast, Book 4. Ward and Spence bandy about the idea that the statuesque Miss Dawson is actually Mr. Sutton’s sex slave. Well, here’s the real story!

He has only one rule. She will do everything he says exactly when he tells her to do it.

Chairman of the board Rance Sutton is looking for a new playmate, an untried submissive he can train to do things his wicked way.

Miss Dawson, the chairman’s personal secretary, wants to get a lot more personal. What better way than becoming his new submissive? After all, she already does everything his way. So really, what’s a little spanking, flogging, handcuffing, and blindfolding if the payoff is Mr. Sutton in her bed? And that’s something she’s dreamed about for the entire five years she’s worked for him.

The problem? This will be no love affair. He will be her master. And she will be his slave. Miss Dawson’s desires aren’t part of the bargain; everything will be about pleasing Mr. Sutton…

Here’s an excerpt.

Pleasing Mr. Sutton

Copyright 2014 Jasmine Haynes

Chapter Two

“I have the perfect candidate for the new position.” Monica placed the resume on his big desk and slid it across to him. She’d given herself an hour to prepare before presenting it. That hour had also given Mr. Sutton a chance to enjoy his first cup of coffee, a special blend she brewed him. He’d be mellower now.

“That was fast work.” He remained seated while she stood before him. It seemed submissive, like the teenage girl who’s forced to stand before the headmaster.

“The choice ended up being quite easy.” She laced her fingers behind her back. Again there was a submissive feel to the gesture. She’d dressed for him. Her blouse was teal, sheer with a lacy camisole beneath, which she’d paired with a cream skirt that hugged her behind, but dropped tastefully to below the knees. She felt sexy but tailored, classy but inviting.

“Commendable work,” he said, picking up the resume.

Her tension began to rise as he read. She’d addressed every bullet point on his list. She was intrigued by the lifestyle, she’d never dabbled, she wanted him to teach her, she was willing to accept pain to receive pleasure, she needed his punishment, and so on. His eyes flicked back and forth across the page, but not another muscle twitched. Until finally he laid the single sheet of paper back on the expensively tooled leather top of his desk.

“You already have a job, Miss Dawson.”

She willed her cheeks not to flame. “Yes. But as I assume this new position”—she flexed the word, adding a sexual spin—“will be extracurricular, I believe I can carry out both functions to your complete satisfaction.”

He watched her unblinkingly, and the temperature in the office began to rise. A flush started inside, rushing out to her skin. He had to notice the scarlet blaze.

“I have no doubt about your abilities, but it’s never good to mix business and pleasure. We have a professional relationship. Making you my submissive would violate that.”

A kernel of ice expanded in her chest. He was turning her down.

“This is not the kind of thing you can turn on and off, Miss Dawson. I think it’s best—”

She couldn’t let him reject her. “A lot of people might consider that asking me to buy sex toys for you is violating our business relationship.”

“You are my personal secretary. I never asked you to demonstrate the devices for me.”

“In a corporate environment, the CEO doesn’t ask his secretary to search for submissive playmates.” She’d been about to cite Holt Montgomery, CEO of West Coast Manufacturing, as an example, but he was marrying his secretary next month, so that comparison might fall short.

“I mentioned when I hired you that some of the tasks I gave you would be of a more personal nature.” His face was implacable. Unreadable. Mr. Sutton could be a hard man when he chose. Last night’s bravado was starting to fade.

But if she backed down now, there would never be another chance. Just the fact that she’d asked had changed their working relationship. How would she get over the embarrassment, let alone the rejection? She’d made the choice, now she had to convince him.

“There are advantages you might not have thought of,” she told him. “Except when you have meetings or when we’re traveling”—she accompanied him and took care of the details—“we’re alone in this suite all day.” She flourished a hand to encompass his office, her smaller accommodations outside, and the conference room. “You must have thought about having a submissive you can command during the day.” She lowered her voice. “Make her do anything. Right here.” She lovingly stroked the desk’s leather top. “Or over there.” She pointed to the sofa.

She imagined herself splayed out on that genteel couch. Or facedown on his desk while he did all those mysterious dominant things to her. “Anything,” she said softly. “Anywhere.”

His nostrils flared slightly, the first indication of an emotion. “Miss Dawson.”

She wouldn’t let him stop her. “Every time you send me out to buy one of those devices”—she drew out the word for effect—“I’m dying to know exactly what you do with them.” She moistened her lips. “How it would feel.”

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple gliding slowly along his throat. “Miss Dawson.” It was all he seemed capable of saying.

How far could she go? She’d waited a long time for this opportunity. She’d go to great lengths to make it happen.

So she told him the truth, in a soft sexual purr meant for the bedroom. “And every time it makes me wet.”

I hope you enjoyed this excerpt of Pleasing Mr. Sutton. You’ll find another excerpt on my website. You can find Pleasing Mr. Sutton at Kindle Kindle UK Kindle AU Kindle CA Nook iBooks iBooks UK iBooks AU iBooks CA. By tomorrow, I hope to have the book up at Smashwords, Kobo, All Romance, and Coffee Time as well.

Open Invitation box set

Pleasing Mr. Sutton is a stand-alone story, but if you haven’t tried the series yet, look for Revenge, West Coast Book 1: iBooks iBooks UK iBooks AU Kindle Kindle UK Nook Nook UK Kobo All Romance Smashwords Coffee Time Romance. You can learn all about the West Coast series on my website: I’m going to have the book up for free by Sept 1. I can’t guarantee on the timing for Amazon, but I’ll do my best.

A bonus for lovers of the Open Invitation series, we just put up the full series in a boxed set! I’m really excited about having Invitation Seduction, Invitation to Pleasure, and Invitation to Passion bundled together again as they were in the original anthology. Kindle KindleUK Nook iBooks iBooks AU iBooks UK.

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